Famous Facial Hair

Brad Pitt

Let's get something clear up front. Brad Pitt's recent goatee is flat out ugly. It does not in any way look cool or awesome or lend to the Brad Pitt mystique, and trying to replicate it would be a bad idea. Despite all this, he is still maddeningly hotter than most clean-shaven men.

Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling is something of a facial hair chameleon. Over the years we've seen him clean-shaven (usually when he's working on a movie), stubbled, bearded and even mustached. Recently, he's been keeping the beard trim, which suits his slightly-scruffy style with short-cropped hair.

The always-impeccable Prince has changed our ideas about pop music, guitar playing and men's style, so why not change our ideas about the pencil mustache? The great Purple One somehow makes this thin mustache and soul patch look incredibly cool.

Jason Lee
Sure he grew this big, thick soup strainer for his title role on My Name Is Earl, but Jason Lee wore the thing faithfully from 2004 to 2009, and at this point it's almost hard to picture him without it.

Jack Black
Jack Black likes to play with new looks sometimes, but mostly he sports his unkempt beard until it gets unruly. At that point he just shaves it off and starts over. Thus the circle of life continues.

Russell Brand
Wild-eyed British comedian Russell Brand looks so good with a beard it's hard to imagine him without it. But anyone who remembers him hosting the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards (he had stubble then) can see this funnyman actually does look better with the beard.

James Franco
Poor James Franco. After being born naturally funny, artistic and good looking, he's been forced to grow a mustache to give the other guys a chance.

Sean Penn
Sean Penn has the kind of face that caricature artists dream about. His duck-like coiffe, big nose, arched eyebrows and low-slung lids all make for excellent comic fodder. Add that smug little mustache and Sean has a face ready for some sketch book mockery.

Colin Farrell
Apparently inspired by the recent pirate craze, Colin Farrell's 'stache-soulpatch-goatee combo gives him a swarthy charm fit for a man with his roguish reputation.

Robert Pattinson
When you've carefully cultivated the best just-rolled-out-of-bed look this side of grunge rock, who needs a razor? It's good to be Robert Pattinson.

Nicolas Cage
Does Nicolas Cage have a stylist? If so he must give her (or him) fits when he decides (and he often does) to inexplicably change his look. The only thing worse than this dirty-looking scruff is Nick's odd decision to shave the sides of his head and bleach what was left.

Sam Elliott
Sam Elliott's mustache is the real deal. No contrivances. No irony. No joke. Casting directors know that if they want Sam Elliott, they're getting the 'stache too.

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